Dortmund-West, am 26.-28.07.2019
Preis der Fa. Trippe - triEquitan
Judges |
Carmen-Claudia Spiegel-Seckels Hans Jörg Lampersbach |
Faults | Time |
TG Deininghausen
Faults | Time |
Team total:
0.00 / 138.54
Jakob and Friends
Faults | Time |
Team total:
4.00 / 143.27
Team RSZ
Faults | Time |
Team total:
4.00 / 146.90
Wir haben nie nen Namen
Faults | Time |
Other, non-placed competitors
Team total:
4.00 / 155.52
St. Hubertus Herne III
Faults | Time |
Team total:
8.00 / 142.92
St. Huberts Herne II
Faults | Time |
Team total:
12.00 / 137.65
Dortmund West 2
Faults | Time |
Team total:
16.00 / 150.65
St. Hubertus Herne I
Faults | Time |
Team total:
77.00 / 275.37
Dortmund West
Faults | Time |
Team total:
29,997.00 / 29997.
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